About us


This is an amateur site created by garden bird enthusiasts and all the content used here is our own. The purpose of the site is to share an interest in birds and birding and perhaps help others to appreciate their garden visitors. For people starting an interest in birding or for those with just a casual interest, identification of your garden birds may be a problem that I hope that this site can help you deal with.

Most of the pages here include some advertising. This doesn't make this a commercial site, but it does help pay for the costs of hosting and running a site such as this.

All the images on this site are ours and are the copyright of british-garden-birds.com. Should you wish to re-use one of our images for your own purposes you can do so provided that it's not for commercial use and as long as you give a photo credit back to this site for each image used. For more information see the terms page or contact us through the link at the bottom.

For those interested in photography, the camera I've used since May 2021 has been a Canon R5 with an RF100-500 zoom lens. Prior to that mostly a Canon 5D mk3 with a Sigma 300mm f2.8 lens and either a 1.4x or 2x multiplier, as below.

Canon 5D mk3

For getting in touch our contact and e-mail details are on the contact form page.