
Common British Birds

Seventh Page - Serin to Teal

Photos of British birds most of which are still fairly common but that you are unlikely to see in your garden.

Click the thumbnail to see the larger image - all the pictures expand to 1500 x 1000 pixels. On this page: Serin, Shelduck, Shoveler, Short-eared Owl, Skylark, Smew, Snipe, Spoonbill, Spotted Flycatcher, Spotted Redshank, Stock Dove and Teal. The video links open in a separate window.

Creative Commons Licence   All images are our copyright but conditional re-use is allowed. Click the license button or see the about-us page for more details.

Serin Serin Serin Serin Serin Serin Serin    Serin

Shelduck Shelduck Shelduck Shelduck Shelduck Shelduck Shelduck    Shelduck

Shoveler Shoveler Shoveler Shoveler Shoveler Shoveler Shoveler    Shoveler  -  Shoveler video

Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Short-eared Owl    Short-eared Owl

Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark Skylark    Skylark  -  Skylark video

Smew Smew Smew Smew Smew Smew Smew    Smew

Snipe Snipe Snipe Snipe Snipe Snipe Snipe    Snipe

Spoonbill Spoonbill Spoonbill Spoonbill Spoonbill Spoonbill Spoombill    Spoonbill  -  Spoonbill video

Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher    Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank Spotted Redshank    Spotted Redshank

Stock Dove Stock Dove Stock Dove Stock Dove Stock Dove Stock Dove Stock Dove    Stock Dove  -  Stock Dove video

Teal Teal Teal Teal Teal Teal Teal    Teal  -  Teal video