Birdbox cam


Birdbox one

Box1Box2You may need to let your browser install the add-on from the camera manufacturer Zavio to view the image. The image will also appear black after sunset.

Great Tits had nested here last year. See images and video links from two different years below.

Video 1 This video was recorded from the live feed above. The bird briefly leaves the nest box and then returns to sit on the eggs. The video was recorded on 11/04/12, the same day that the ninth egg was laid. Great Tit eggs are normally incubated for about 14 days.

Video 2 Eggs hatched. The video was recorded on 24/04/12 and shows seven of the nine eggs hatched and both parent birds feeding the chicks.

Video 3 Day 4 (3 days old) .The video was recorded on 27/04/12 and shows the nine Great Tit chicks being fed.

Video 4 Eight days old. The video was recorded on 02/05/12 and shows the nine Great Tit chicks being fed.

Video 5 Two weeks old old. The video was recorded on 08/05/12 and shows the Great Tit chicks being fed.

Video 6 This video was recorded on 16/05/12 the day the Great Tit chicks fledged, 22 days after hatching.